Vendor FAQ


Who can sell at Nagaservice commerce store?

  • Anyone.
  • Registration is Free of cost.
  • You can Upload Unlimited Products to sell free of cost.
  • We also have Premium Package with a minimum Fee for those Sellers who can’t sell their Products OR if they want to increase their sales.
  • With the premium service we will help try to sell your products!!
  • Just Contact us for more details.

How can I become a seller and start selling products at nagaservice?

  • To become a seller on  Nagaservice
  • Go to our website:
  • At the top right side of any page, click on “Login/Register icon” button and fill all required details.

What are the documents required to register in nagaservice?

  • For Local Entrepreneurs who does not have proper documents, Contact us and we will assist you.

Don’t have GST?

  • Worry not. We will let you use our GST no. for filing and paying tax to the government.
  • Just contact us for more details (Only for Local Entrepreneurs).

Does seller file GST?

  • Yes, it is the duty of seller to file GST for their products sold through nagaservice.

What is TCS?

  • TCS (Tax Collected at Source) of 1% shall be deducted from every selling made by sellers. The sellers can claim the amount from GSTR-2A from your registered GST a/c (collect tax only on net value of taxable supplies).

How to upload product images by Sellers?

  • Click your product images at decent white background. You can add multiple images of your product but kindly maintain its size below 1mb in total. Also be aware that you cannot randomly download product images from internet and use it due to copyrights. So download no copyright images only (Contact us for any support).

What if the weight and dimension is entered wrongly by seller?

  • If the weight and dimensions are much lesser than the actual as updated by the seller, then the extra delivery charges shall be borne by the seller instead of customer.

Which item cannot be sold by sellers?

  • Prescription drugs, Alcohol, Guns, Tobacco, fast food, fresh fruits, meat or vegetables, illegal items etc.

Can I offer both products and services on nagaservice?

  • Yes, you can offer both products and services on nagaservice.
  • What is Services at nagaservice?
  • It’s a Free platform to provide Contact details of the services we may require,
  • Like Electrician, Plumber, Car Rental, Ac installation, TV & Fridge repair, Home Cleaning service, Beauty & Spa,
  • Home tutor, Internet service, Recovery van, Cesspool, Etc.
  • (Contact us for free registration Or inform us if you know any)
  • Does nagaservice provide delivery service?
  • Currently nagaservice does not provide any delivery service. Sellers have to manage delivery to the customer (third party delivery service to be available soon).
  •  (Any damaged products or Fraud cases shall be strictly dealt with)
  1. Who decides the price of the products?
  • As a seller, you will set the price of your products.

Will I get charged for listing products on nagaservice?

  • Listing of products on is absolutely free.  nagaservice does not charge anything for listing your catalogue online. You pay a small commission only if you sell.

How and when will I get paid?

  • The payment will be made directly to your bank account.  nagaservice will settle your payments within 7-15 business working days based on your seller tier.

When can I start selling?

  • After approval of your registration, you can start listing your products and start selling.
  • (Kindly mention clearly in your product description whether your Product is Refundable Or can Exchange)

How many listings are required to start selling?

  • You are required to have a minimum of 1 listing (unique products) to start selling on nagaservice.

what if the Seller doesn’t packed or arrange the ordered products within 24 hours after customer payment?

  • The seller will be charged 100% commission fee by Operator even if the product is not dispatched.
  • (Note: Seller fee shall be levied if your listed product is cancelled due to “Out of Stock”, therefore enter your product quantity correctly and Deactivate your products when out of stock from your vendor dashboard available under “Manage my product” section)

How to add your Products?

  • From your dashboard, go to products and click add new product.
  • Fill up your product details like, product name, image, price, description, etc.
  • After you have completed filling up the product details, click create product/ or if you want to add more than click create and add new.
  • After your product is created, it will be transferred to admin for review, after admin approves, your product will be published.
  • Your approved product will be displayed as ONLINE
  • After your product is created, you can save your product.
  • If you want to add more product/products, click add new on the top right  of your dashboard.
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